
Jen, Darlington
Age: 32


"I have taken part in 3 bootcamps ran by Oli & Trevor in Darlington.  It is great fun working-out in a group in the fresh air with the motivation of the trainers to push you on to the next level.  Over a 4 week programme we did everything from boxersize to assault courses, and every session was varied and challenging but conducted in an informal and friendly atmosphere .  I am really pleased with the results I have achieved in both fitness and strength, and enjoyed being encouraged to push myself further by Oli & Trevor, as well as the team spirit of working out in a group"

James, Darlington
Age: 35

“I approached Sprint Personal Training after pondering over how I can improve my general fitness, lose some weight and get motivated to spend some time in the gym after a long time away from it.

After an initial consultation to find out my goals, they were happy to put together a programme which suited my work life balance and which enabled me to do exercise under my own steam. One to one personal trainer sessions helped keep me focused and motivated and introduced me to new moves in the gym. I even tried one of the boot camps which was challenging and a great laugh.

The results have been great: over 8weeks I've lost weight, particularly blasting my internal fat and I've been building up muscle and strength with a combination fo gym sessions, swimming, running and some sessions that I could do at home.

I'd completely recommend signing up to a programme and Sprint give solid and realistic advice about how you can achieve your goals through exercise and healthy eating and monitoring body stats, before, during and after the programme. They are flexible to client needs and can fit in sessions around you.

I think its great to be able to work with such a professional team and its been a great way of getting myself fit and healthy again which is great for body as well as mind.”

Neil, Redworth
Age: 40

Thanks for the sessions you did - I did enjoy them and certainly benefited from them!  You were the first guys who actually did what they said they would do - I did appreciate this.  I have attended several bootcamps over the years and certainly think that this one is by far the best. having fun whilst getting a good training session is very rare but i think you guys have cracked it. I will be joining up again when i come back off my holiday and will be looking to build further on my fitness.

Amanda, Newton Aycliffe
Age: 36

 "I have never attended a Bootcamp or even a fitness class before joining GETFIT! Bootcamp due to lack of confidence and self esteem. I decided to join up after a friend referred me, she had already lost over 1/2 a stone after the first 3 weeks and decided to recommend me to receive a discount on her next Bootcamp.

 I attended my first session but felt nervous at first because i was quite overweight and had never even picked up a pair of dumbells before in my life! Within 10 minutes Oli had us in pairs doing punch combinations on the pads. We did all sorts of boxing styles which really tired me out but i just wanted to keep going! After the first session i went home feeling fatigued but proud of what i had achieved!

I attended every session and noticed results gradually. But i only realised what had actually happened when my jeans were falling off me! Since completing the 12 sessions i have signed up for an extra 2 months Bootcamp as i hope to loose even more weight before i go to Italy in summer 2011. I highly recommend these guys if you are looking to actually see physical results and not just get told alot of Jargon to make you feel better about yourself."

Getfit! Bootcamps are part of Sprint Personal Training. More details can be found at www.SprintPersonalTraining.co.uk you can also contact us via [email protected]

Tons of information about getting fit can be found on these websites: